A Stunning July Palette

Mother Nature inspired this month's color palette. I always lean toward colors that are close to each other on the color wheel. I'm more of a tonalist. However, this month I couldn't resist this gorgeous combination of complimentary colors. It's an instant wow. And now off to make some purple and yellow artwork! 


A collage of images featuring purples and yellows. One image is a tie-dye style textile design by Jenny Bova. Other images are florals in various shades of purple with yellow backgrounds


handwritten jenny sign-off 

Color & pattern inspiration for July is inspired by the moment just after the sun sets but the sky is still glowing.
This is one of our most popular color palettes yet, and it's all about summer. See it here.
A walk through the garden with Jenny, and a quick look at the floral and garden themed prints designed for products.
