On My Book Shelf....


In my last post, I mentioned that 2021 has had a different start than other years, but it’s been no less productive. I have a ton of new work under my belt, so not having traditional goals hasn’t affected my output. Why though?


Photo by Joyce McCown on Unsplash


Habit , process, and presence. There are 3 books on my bookshelf and one weekly newsletter that hits my inbox every Thursday that have seeped into my psyche.

Allow me to share:


Book 1:The Artist’s Way by JuliaCameron.

The “morning pages” activity of writing and drawing and simply expressing yourself is such a healthy, connecting habit. I first read this book 25 years ago and I’ve recently picked it up and revisited it. I make time during the quiet moments to write and draw. I make it a habit. It makes me feel happier, more connected to my feelings, and definitely more creative.


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Book 2:The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp. I love this book. I’ve always been very process oriented in how I design and create. I don’t approach any project without guideposts and benchmarks that help me stay true to the original intentand maintain my creativity. This book encourages systems and habits that make creativity a lifelong pursuit. I have been designing for decades (yikes!). I’ve been designing surface patterns for 6 years now. I have a process. I know the steps I need to take to make a stand-out collection. Even when I feel stuck, I push myself to take the next step. There is value in process and habit as I often surprise myself when I just push forward and do what has worked in the past. That being said, not every creative endeavor is a smashing success, but you can learn from the process each time. Grow stronger, and get better at your craft. Thus, another one of my favorite books isThe Creative Habit.


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Book 3: Last, but certainly not least, Atomic Habits byJames Clear. I bought this book a few years ago after hearing James interviewed on a podcast. The big idea is that habits become ingrained and consistent habits make for consistent growth. James says it much better than I do, and imparts a ton of wisdom along the way. And it works, I’ve noticed. If you are tempted to buy the book, I’d definitely recommend it. If you’re not sure yet, sign up for James’ newsletter. Better yet, do both! I actually look forward to it arriving in my inbox each Thursday. (I can’t say that about any other newsletter, can you?) It’s a perfect mental pause at a busy point in the week when you can shift your priorities back in line to end the week on a strong note.


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Hope you enjoy these books too, and make process and habit a key part of your creative expression.


handwritten jenny sign-off

Color & pattern inspiration for July is inspired by the moment just after the sun sets but the sky is still glowing.
This is one of our most popular color palettes yet, and it's all about summer. See it here.
A walk through the garden with Jenny, and a quick look at the floral and garden themed prints designed for products.
