March Color Inspiration: My Faves

I designed a board using pinks and grays because that's sort of what the emerging spring felt like in early March. It felt drab and underwhelming when I revisited it a few weeks later. As much as I love a challenge, my color comfort zone was the right place to be this month. This palette rules my life and, along with black, continues to find its way back, even when I try to stray. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. 

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 A collage of images featuring blue, green, gold, and off white. One image is a floral textile design by Jenny Bova, an ariel shot of Pleasant Bay on Cape Cod and the North Beach sea break, a blue hydrangea blooming, beach dunes, and seagrass. A series of solid color blocks is across the bottom, and the Jenny Bova logo is on the left. the format is a rectangle


As always, thanks for being here!


handwritten jenny sign-off

Color & pattern inspiration for July is inspired by the moment just after the sun sets but the sky is still glowing.
This is one of our most popular color palettes yet, and it's all about summer. See it here.
A walk through the garden with Jenny, and a quick look at the floral and garden themed prints designed for products.
